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MY NAME: Maxine Wood


All audio recordings of conversations with myself and the 'super' intendent. Available upon request, but hopefully dissected, edited and uploaded very soon.
Audio recording of the two and a half hour, two force meeting. This recording yet to be dissected and edited, to attach to various ICalls to further support Statements of Truth.


I managed to arrange a two police force meeting with little old me in March this year. Quite an achievement!
Two Met officers, DC Barton Lee and DS Richard Petherbridge commuted from London to attend.
Also in attendance were PS Ian Barker and Superintendent Helen Critchley for GMP.
                                                 It was established and confirmed in this meeting that                                                       many crimes that I had reported in 2019 and 2020, had                                                     not been investigated by police for varying reasons, but                                                     through no fault of my own.
                                                 Frustratingly at least one crime was lost forever due to 6                                                   month STL, however several other crimes were                                                                   recognised as needing to be investigated and were                                                             triable either way therefore not restricted by STL.

Superintendent Critchley, agreed that there was a physical stalking with fear of violence crime that GMP would investigate 'positively'.
Due to that recognition and assurance of fair and impartial justice, I agreed to attend the nonsense voluntary interview under caution (see ICall.0001).
They could NEVER have forced me to attend that interview as there had been two massive abuses of process regarding that report:

1. The PC Davies audio recording (Snowball playlist track 1) proves one abuse by Chief Inspector
2. The second abuse - Superintendent Helen Critchley decided that a crime file would be created for the CPS regardless of the crime meeting the CPS threshold or not.
Her reason given - she was not "comfortable" with GMP making a decision on this.

I immediately kept my side of the bargain and attended said nonsense interview regarding nonsense allegations with PC Taylor who then blatantly ignored my evidence supplied.

PC Birkett was allocated the investigation into my stalking with fear of  violence 2019, however she was seemingly incompetent. and then rude and ignorant                                                                       (see ICall.0005).

                       I aired my genuine and valid concerns to her Sergeant,
                        Ian Barker 
and also to Superintendent Helen Critchley,
who had promised a 'positive' investigation of this crime.
                                                       Ignorance from both.

I also requested that the two senior officers direct PC Thea Taylor to contact me urgently (see ICall.0003).
Ignorance again from both senior officers.

On 20.5.22 Complaints logged against all four mentioned above.

      Bad Cop No Donut Track 10

   Superintendent Helen Critchley




   Helen Critchley
Greater Manchester



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