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Superintendent Helen Critchley

     Superintendent Helen Critchley mistakingly became ...
Superintendent Helen Crotchley ... which I then shortened to
                  Super Crotch ... which then became ...

                               THE CROOKED CROTCH
The Crooked Crotch tells so many lies, it's difficult to decide where to start with the evidence.
   I will start with her disgusting lies regarding the two attempted unlawful arrests of me.

Following the two disgraceful failed attempted UNLAWFUL arrests of me, Mr X claimed in a court hearing that I had, in fact, been arrested on the 1st June, and was currently "released on bail".

Stating this blatant untruth in court is perjury/contempt of court. The only defence for this not being perjury is, if Mr X, had been told by GMP that I had actually been arrested.


Therefore quite clearly, this was either perjury by Mr X, or malfeasance in public office by whichever officer at GMP had advised him falsely?


I decided to try and get the answer from GMP. Obviously, they weren't my mate any more at this point, therefore a direct request would have been ignored. So instead, I tricked the useless pricks!


I sent an email to Tyrant Taylor and Barking Barker, indicating that Kent Family Court required certain information from them, by a certain date. I also worded it, that I would be 'notifying' the court if the request was not adhered to by them.

You clever little girl Maxine ... A response!


Below left, is just a small part of the email that I sent ...

                                                                        Which prompted a reply from The Crooked Crotch, below right ...

Besides anything else, please note the date and time of The Crooked Crotch's response. She sent this email two minutes too 'late' for me to 'submit' to court.

So I had cleverly forced The Crooked Crotch's hand into discussing the arrests ...


                                    Now that she had been forced to open her corrupt gob, she finally sent me her 'complaint                                      'outcome' letter for good measure, that same evening. 

                                    I had initiated this complaint early Oct 2021. Despite her 'investigations' finding no                                                  'wrong doing' by Chief Inspector Danny O'Neill, she didn't close this complaint for a                                                 whole nine months ... as I wouldn't let her!


Eventually, after her not only welching on the 'deal' we had, but then also her ignorance regarding the

tyranny of 31st May - In June, I challenged the obnoxious f**ker to close the complaint. 


I forced her to ...                              


 Break her silence ...


  And deliver me ...                           


   A bucket full of lies ... 


So, 14th July, Superintendent Helen Critchley sends me an email stating ...


"There was no planned arrest of you on the 31st May" and "officers attended your address

and arranged for you to come in on the 1st June instead to be voluntary interviewed".


She also sent me her complaint 'outcome' letter, that stated the same with further detail.


Obviously not heard the Taylor Tyranny, and the Hirst At His Worst recordings at this point then eh, oh Crooked Crotch


What did I deliver back to The Crotch that night?

Well, initially, I couldn't figure out if she had simply been duped and misled by the other lying despicable b**tards, and I told her as such ...


However, I then remembered my gutsy little email, that I had sent to five of the horrible b**tards at 9pm on the 31st May ...




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Was The Crooked Crotch, Superintendent Helen Critchley, included in the five tyrants I sent that email to? If so, then that would PROVE without a shadow of a doubt, that she was fully aware of BOTH attempted unlawful arrests of me ....


       Dirty horrible lying bastard ...

     Had the audacity to start with ...                 'GOOD evening Maxine' ...

          And sign with her 'regards'.



As stated above, her complaint outcome letter that I received the same evening, was also packed full of her lies regarding there 'never being any attempted arrests, nor arrest discussions'.

My next move when I found the gutsy email that I had SENT to Superintendent Helen Critchley on the 31st May?

I attached a screenshot of the damning email evidence along with the following ...
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