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MY NAME: Maxine Wood

All supporting emails available, and to be uploaded as soon as I am able to.


Upon receiving Critchley's complaint outcome letter on 14th July 2022, I realised that she was the most corrupt tyrant of all.

I was angry, extremely angry! 

I began to reply to her and then stopped myself - why waste my                          energy on this evil, useless coward?
Instead, I decided to kill two birds with one stone ...

I used Superintendent Helen Critchley's email inbox as a disposable 'notepad' for drafting my next 10 ICalls, and I brazenly informed her of her disposable use.
This way, I got to let off steam without having to waste my time using the correct grammar etc on this worthless eejit - she was not worthy of that.

So, I was able to draft another ten or so ICalls, using Crotchley's crooked inbox!

Extremely satisfying, enterprising, and pure genius!

This disposable notepad that landed in her inbox that evening, made it completely clear to Critchley that she was about to be exposed as, an utter filthy LIAR.

These notes also made it clear to her ...
Her outcome, that there had been absolutely 'no discussion nor attempted arrests of me' was about to be blown out of the water completely.

Those notes also made it clear to her, that it hadn't gone unnoticed, that there had been no mention whatsoever by herself, or anyone else, regarding the complaints that I had made against her?
Complaints that I had made at the same time as the complaints she had just 'investigated'.

Did Critchley take any notice of my cheeky piss-take ICall drafts that landed in her corrupt Crotchley box on 14th July 2022?

Oh yes, it appears she did.

Towards the end of Critchley's crooked complaint outcome letter she states ....
... "there are no further complaints held at GMP'" ... 

No further complaints held?

14th July 2022?
Well then ....

9th August 2022 ...

A Chief Superintendent Rob Cousen suddenly popped up! Until then, he had, at no point introduced himself to me, nor had there been any indication whatsoever that himself or anyone else had been 'investigating' Critchley. Yet here he was, suddenly popping up a month or so later, proud as Punch, with his very own 'outcome' of his complaint against Crooked Critchley.

                                    See ICall.0032 for this utterly disgraceful and shameful act of                                          snowball corruption at its finest. 
Obviously, I dissect and disgrace Cousen in that, his own                                                 personal ICall but I mention it here as his later involvement                                             affects this particular earlier ICall. 
However, the main point I want to make HERE is that I now                                             have absolute proof of the following 6 facts:
                                             Joe Public, judge as you see fit ...
There were two attempts made to unlawfully arrest me. The 31st                                   May goon squad, and the planned arrest at Tyranny Park on 1st June.

                The thugs FAILED in these unlawful acts, simply as they were
                                    outsmarted by me on both occasions.

                      I challenged and wanted explanations of the attempted and
                                    planned arrests of me, which then lead to ...

                Critchley claiming that there had been absolutely no discussion                                                       nor planned arrests of me whatsoever!

                     I challenged this in my notepad/Crooked Critchley's inbox, and
                      supplied just a snippet arrest 'talk' proof. Which then lead to ... 

                Chief Superintendent Rob Cousen then acknowledging that there
                 HAD in fact been, not only ATTEMPTED arrests, but also ACTUAL
                                                                   arrests of me!

Deary me, the plot thickens, the snowball of GMP corruption, continues to roll and increase tenfold, picking up more and more sad leeches and bits of dirt along the way.

Anyway Critchley, back to your arrest LIES later, in the meantime, I'm only just warming up ...
On the way, ten ICalls, that absolutely ANNIALATE Crooked Crotchley's shameful outcome letter.




Superintendent Helen Critchley
    Greater Manchester Police


    Bad Cop No Donut Track 21
Superintendent Helen Critchley

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