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MY NAME: Maxine Wood


See other ICall Statements Of Truth for evidence.
Further supporting evidence available, and to be uploaded soon.


In my audio ICall of these matters, I challenge higher rank at GMP to put their names to certain decisions. As stated on that audio Icall - Although some decisions were carried out and/or endorsed by others, there has to be an ACTUAL individual decision maker, willing to put his or her NAME to certain decisions. 

The following are the numbered decisions ICallOut on Bad Cop no Donut Track 33,
I have listed the basic decisions here, for ease of refernce for the decision makers to be able to proudly put their names to their 'valid and just' decisions.
Do you think they will?

Detailed further on Bad Cop No Donut Track 33, someone at higher rank GMP made these decisions:

                                    2. Decision to send 00096 to CPS minus crucial evidence?
                                    3. Original decision to NFA 00096?
                                    4. Decision to 'dissect' this same crime report?
                                    5. Decision to close this crime for a second time (sneakily) with                                       insufficient evidence?

                                    6. Mr X crime report 1 - The decision to request an interview                                          under caution despite GMP absolutley NOT suspecting a crime                                        had been committed?
                                    7. Decision to send this same 'crime' report to the CPS,                                                      regardless of interview and defence evidence pointing to a GMP  NFA, rather than CPS decision?
8. Decision not to accept or acknowledge any defence evidence for over 4 months?

                                    9. Decision to have me arrested for a 'crime' that shouldn't have                                      even resulted in a voluntary interview, let alone arrest?
                                    10. Who 'steered' Taylor and Hirst in their lies of 31st May?
                                    11. Decision to cancel the second arrest and arrest 'cancellation'                                       reason?
12. Decision to deny the existence of the two attempted unlawful arrests?
13. Decision to revert back to the truth, that the attempted arrests actually happened? Also the decision to further that with the lie, that an arrest was made?

                                    14. Decision to simply ignore my crime serious crime report of                                        26th May?
                                    15. (I reported this crime again via the Met). The decision to                                              inform Barnwell INCORRECTLY, that it had already been                                                  investigated by the Met, and was also being investigate by GMP?



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Chief Insp. Danny O'Neill

           PS Ian Barker
   Inspector Robert Buntine

       DS Helen Critchley



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Bad Cop No Donut Track 33
               Dirty Dan
          Barking Barker
        Billy Bob Buntine
        The Super Crotch


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