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MY NAME: Maxine Wood


Snowball Playlist Track 6 - Cowardly Kinson.
Email exchange following the Cowardly Kinson call is available, and will be uploaded soon.


Following the ignorance of all officers involved in the four corrupt crime reports, and following the two unlawful attempted arrests of me in late May/early June, an Inspector Chris Kinson called me on the 10th June. See Snowball Track 6.

It appears that he had drawn the short straw, and had been the
one chosen to relay the current 'status' of my completely valid
crime report - NFA'd with three bollocks excuses. One of the
three excuses/lies point towards the magical Mr X having a ...
                                         Crystal Ball!
I kid you not!
     This is explained on Bad Cop No Donut Track 6 - Kinson

At the time I received Kinson's call, this was my own 'status' with GMP...

1. Been for one interview under caution for a crime that GMP knew DID NOT EXIST. A crime that was earmarked for the CPS regardless of anything!

2. Had two attempted unlawful arrests of me for another crime that DID NOT EXIST. Been for a second interview under caution for that 'crime'.

3. Been COMPLETELY IGNORED whilst attempting to report a genuine and serious crime.

Now, cowardly, corrupt Kinson, is telling me that the other serious crime against me, that GMP were supposed to have been 'investigating' has been stolen from me. Stolen. Robbed. Robbed of justice AGAIN.

                                      Was I angry? Oh yes I was!
                                      At the beginning of the Snowball Track 6 call, I wasn't sure if                                          Kinson was merely a muppet messenger, however by the end                                          of the call, it was obvious that he DEFINITELY was not there                                            for ME, the victim -  He was 'against' me, like the rest of the                                              dirty bastards. Hence the abrupt ending of the call by me.

Apologies for the lovely little voice in the background during that call - my precious toddler granddaughter not used to hearing her Nandu raise her voice like that.
But for now, back to the 'donuts' ...
                                                    Bad Cop No Donut Track 6
                                                       Inspector Chris Kinson






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