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    Individual Dossiers

I have decided to also create individual dossiers on each corrupt bastard. All of the information here can be found/proven elsewhere on this website. I am starting this on Saturday 29th October 2022, and will begin with one corrupt bastard that I still have ongoing issues with, enabling me to keep record and update here.

Once added to, this section will be alphabetical order (surname).

Inspector Robert Buntine GMP 11627


This is the most recent ongoing issue.


26th July and 28th July 2022 - I logged two separate extra complaints with GMP. Of course, as usual, I did not hear anything back regarding these complaints. Therefore, as with all my other complaints, I had to chase up myself.


August 15th - Lovely 101 staff advised me that the complaints were with Inspector Robert Buntine (who himself was subject to my other complaints). She said it was unusual that I hadn't heard anything. However, she did state that Buntine was currently absent until the end of the month. She expressed her concern that the complaint hadn't been 'handed over' to another Inspector, due to Buntine's absence. She advised that I call back in September if still no contact made. 


I waited until October before chasing it up, I did this for several reasons:

1. Just to see how long they/he was prepared to ignore my valid and serious complaints.

2. To launch


26th October 2022 - I called 101. See Snowball Evidence Track 8 - The Lovely Carol.

Basically, Carol was shocked that I hadn't heard anything back regarding my complaints. She was also surprised (as I was) that the previous 101 agent had directed me to the 'Front Desk'. 

Inspector Buntine wasn't due back on duty until Saturday 29th October. 


She advised me to email Buntine. I told her that I would try that, but wasn't going to hold my breath as Buntine was already ignoring me regarding other serious matters! She advised that, if I didn't recieve a reply from Buntine, then I should call back on Saturday 29th, and ask to speak to him ...



Buntine re com 28.10.22 .jpg

Saturday 29th October @ 10am - I compiled this draft dossier ... Let's see what this afternoon's attempted call to Buntine brings ...


Watch this space!

Fair play to Ol' Billy Bob - This agent said she couldn't put me through to him. So after waiting three months, I now have to wait another three days, to try again.

If at first you don't succeed, try again ... and again, and again, and again, and again ... 

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