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STRING                 ALONG?

My local MP is Graham Stringer. 
When explaining my issues with police to anyone interested, I have been asked quite often .... What about your local MP, who is it? When I reply Graham Stringer, most roll their eyes in their head.
Therefore I have little confidence in Mr Stringer.

Despite the negative reaction of other people, in early 2020, I contacted Mr Stringer, begging for his assistance regarding what I believed to be Met corruption (since confirmed as such). Stringer didn't afford me the courtesy of even a brief negative reply. Nothing.

In early 2021, I took my complaint against CPS South London to the PHSO. In order to do this, I HAD to have a letter from my local MP. I had to hound Stringer for that letter.
I needn't have wasted my time, the PHSO is just another corrupt establishment, who's only interest is in protecting the CPS  (and the health service too).

If I had gone to the trouble of reading Google reviews on the PHSO, I would have saved myself a lot of time, effort, frustration and anguish. Please read some of the reviews yourself ....
PHSO - The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman. The word OMBUDSMAN lulls you into a false sense of security and hope. Don't even go there - utter corrupt uncaring government organisation.
If I ever find the time, I will be Calling Out the snivvelling pathetic manager who dealt with my complaint 'review'. The audio recorded lies and inconsistencies I have from that bunch are shocking!
I contacted Stringer again, after the PHSO cast aside my appeal without looking at even ONE single piece of evidence. Guess what? Despite repeated emails to him, begging for help - Nothing whatsoever back from Stringer.
So Maxine, what a stupid woman you are, in trying to enlist his help again! 
I have no faith in him, but I am willing to do anything to expose the corrupt horrible b**tards at GMP.
I attended Mr Stringer's Surgery on 8th February 2023. His completely uninterested, slovenly and arrogant secretary advised me that I needed to write a letter to Mr Stringer, requesting his help.
I did just that and wrote the letter by hand. My hand writing isn't the greatest, so rather than put a copy of the letter on here, below is me reading the letter before sending it.
I don't mince my words, and I cut to the chase - Let's hope Mr Stringer has the balls to do that too ... we will see.
Look at the title on the news item regarding Mr Graham Stringer below (on my letter playlist).
It appears that Mr Stringer is staunchly apposed to 'systems that are divisive and corrupting'.

Listen, and watch this space ...


Stringer letter '
delivered' to his secretary Martin. Martin's last ... 'I'll be with her (me) in five minutes, turned out to be 'I'll sloth on down there in fifty minutes'.
Sorry Martin, but I don't have the time to sloth about - thank you ladies (reception) for taking delivery of my letter to Stringer rather than me having to wait for Martin ... some of us have innocent victims and constituents to protect!

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