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MY NAME: Maxine Wood


Snowball Track 2 - Taylor Tyranny Call
All email exchange available, due to be uploaded,


Dec 2020, Met Police charged Mr X with harassment.
                                                      April 2021, he was acquitted at Bromley Magistrates                                                            with an absolutely shambolic decision and reasoning.                                                        I attempted to gain access to the court documents,                                                            with the intention of appealing the decision, however                                                        this became yet another nightmare for me, being                                                                frustratingly passed about from one place to or another, or being blatantly ignored. I eventually did what is expected of the public in these situations - I gave up.

If I ever find the time and the strength one day, I may go back and examine this court case, even if just to add the head magistrate to my ICalls.

Mr X had behaved himself for nearly 12 months due to that particular police investigation, resulting charge, and imminent court hearing, therefore thankfully there had been no contact whatsoever for over 12 months. However despite there being no contact whatsoever for such a long time, Mr X decided to apply for a non molestation (non contact) order against me in June 2021! This was ridiculous and was simply another attempt at a form of indirect harassment of me by him.

Although his application statement was all lies and I could prove to be lies, I simply accepted the order in an attempt to move things forward.
I had one day available to submit evidence if I wanted to - I had that much evidence it would have taken a whole week to collate and submit!
Plus I had no intentions of contacting Mr X whatsoever anyway
(I had been trying to avoid him for over 2 years by then!) so I
(foolishly) accepted the order.

The judge made a point of stating twice that he believed I had taken a
"very sensible approach" and that judge, and another judge further
down the line, both pointed out, that there had been absolutely no
findings of fact whatsoever, and absolutely no admission or ownness
of guilt. It was virtually worthless.

However, I have learnt since that I was wrong to accept the order, and should have challenged it, confident in the certainty that his application would have been refused if I had defended it at the time.
In December 2021, Mr X attempted to use the actual existence of the order maliciously and unlawfully against me. Due to this attempt to use the order unlawfully, in Feb 2021, I applied to have the order set aside. As part of this application process, I was ordered to forward two court documents to the Maniac.

The Maniac claimed to GMP, that by 'forwarding' these court documents to him (as ORDERED to do so, by the COURT) that I had breached the order of the same court, by 'communicating' with him.
I was 'communicating' with the court (not Mr X). The documents he received from me were COURT communications that I was ORDERED to forward a COPY of to 'the other party'.

This attempted harassment via GMP should have failed at the very first stage, however it just so happened to be that GMP were not my friend anymore, and were more than happy to jump on a big bag of nonsense, to help the Maniac persecute and harass me even more so. Utter filth all round.
What is more shocking is the lengths they were prepared to go to, in that unlawful disgusting persecution and attempted malicious prosecution.

                            It should have been obvious to anyone with half a brain, that the                                      most RECENT court orders from the 'one and same' court would be                                the one's to follow.
                           Anyone with less than half a brain who may have struggled with                                     working this out, only needed to do one thing - contact the court in                               question.

Even if I had been mistaken in forwarding the documents, they were COURT documents that he would be viewing anyway - how could he possibly feel threatened or hurt by them?
And if he was, then surely the very court that I had SUBMITTED them to (the same court that had issued the original non molestation order) would have recognised the breach months previously when I had submitted them?

I'm sorry if that's ended up a bit confusing - basically it was absolutely diabolical that GMP should even consider this to be a crime, let alone a crime that they would send four GOONS round to my house, to assault and falsely imprison me for (attempted unlawful arrest).

I sincerely apologise to any decent police officers who
may be offended by any terms I use on these ICalls.

I am angry.
Very angry.
Justifiably angry.

I will express that anger how I see fit.

GMP have had free rein to do whatever they please on their own wicked 'platform' for over 12 months now, I have been offended and hurt deeply.
This is MY platform - I hope all INDECENT GMP officers take offence at my words.



         PC Thea Taylor
Greater Manchester Police


            Bad Cop No Donut Track 12
                        PC Thea Taylor

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