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MY NAME: Maxine Wood


Snowball Playlist Track 7 - Lovely 101 Lady. Please note, this discussion is regarding the SECOND corrupt NFA of this report, not the first corrupt attempt as discussed in other ICalls.
Barker/Buntine emails due to be uploaded.


Two seperate issues are dealt with here.

1. I learnt in early July 2022, that Inspector Robert Buntine had also reviewed 0007699/22 in June 2022. That brought the total to FOUR officers reviewing it in June! And get this, all four officers came to the exact same incorrect 'conclusions' (proven as such since). I have already 'called out' the other three muppets regarding the June 2022 NFA decision (see ICall.0006 for details) however it seems I need to call out one more numpty (Buntine) regarding this.

2. Later in July, Sergeant Barker and Inspector Robert Buntine sent the vague email 'explaining' the status of my crime report 0007699/22. It was obvious that my crime report had been corruptly 'meddled' with, and the actual 'status' of the case remained unclear.
I queried this with the double act that is Bob And Ian - Nothing.

On 3rd Sept, I contacted 101 to find out the actual status
of my crime report - NFA due to insufficient evidence.
This crime was evidentially SOUND. They had some of
the evidence, but they would not ACCEPT the other
crucial evidence from me.
Hence the reason they meddled - they did NOT want to inform ME of the NFA by them - insufficient evidence, as they knew I would kick off again, quite rightly!
Hence the vague 'CPS' email.

Despicable and cowardly utter disgraces.

Update on the 3rd Sept email I sent to Bob And Ian - They igored me, so fair play to them both, by keeping schtum, I didn't mange to trap them in yet anothr lie. You win some, you lose some girl.




 Inspector Robert Buntine
      Sergeant Ian Barker

Greater Manchester Police


    Bad Cop No Donut Track 20
    Inspector Billy Bob Buntine
   Sergeant Ian Barking Barker


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