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MY NAME: Maxine Wood


Snowball Playlist Track 5  - Hurst At His Worst.
All email exchange is available and will be uploaded later.


Following the corrupt tyranny call with PC Thea Taylor on the morning of 31st May 2022 (Snowball Track 3) four armed thugs in two tactical aid units attended my home in an attempt to unlawfully threaten, abuse, assault and kidnap me. They had also intended to steal my property and falsely imprison me.

Following me outsmarting these goons and escaping this atrocity unscathed (to a degree) I left a voice message on 07929761146, the number that PC Thea Taylor had called me on earlier that morning, asking her for an explanation.
PC Christopher Hurst called me back on the number, stating that he shared this phone/number with PC Taylor.

                                                      See Snowball Evidence Track 5.
                                                      Apologies, 10 seconds of this recording disturbed by                                                          another phone ringing.

                                                      The lies spouted on this call by the cowardly and                                                                pathetic PC Hurst are simply astonishing!
                                                      PC Hurst is a marginally better liar than PC Taylor,                                                              however his over abundant use of the word                                                                          'obviously' for me simply equates to lies, lies, lies, and                                                        even more lies, and indeed, has been proven as such                                                          since.

The 'urgency' of this 'crime' report and the 'need' for arrest is discussed on this call.
I did not have the full facts at this point, however I have learnt since that this 'crime' report, was made in February 2022.
Now, the 31st May 2022, they have to arrest me for a 'prompt' investigation?
We discuss the Taylor Tyranny call, but I didn't let this
sniveling muppet know that I had recorded her - nor
did he know I was recording him too.

He mentions 'malicious communications'. Please see                                            ICall.0008 PC Wicked Whalley for my defence of
that particular bag of nonsense.
NB, I mistakingly call her PC Whelan on my ICall.0004.

GMP have denied that this quite obviously corrupt
conversation ever took place. A denial that they made,
not knowing that I had recorded the whole shameful spectacle that is ...

                                                       Hurst At His Worst

Whoopsadaisy Superintendent Helen Critchley!

Perhaps you should have consulted with me whilst 'investigating' my complaints regarding this particular matter? Perhaps you should have consulted with me before proclaiming 'there was never any talk of, or planned arrests of you Maxine' .
See ICall.0021 through to ICall.0031 for little old Maxine Wood ripping Critchley apart regarding this matter and other matters (her corrupt complaint outcome letter).

On the Hurst call, I am basically being bullied by a cowardly wimp                            into agreeing to be arrested by order of his corrupt supervision.
My only option was to refuse to attend and wait for the goons to
come hammering my door down again. Can you imagine just how
frustrating it was, having to be bullied by a pathetic, creepy, wimp 
such as Hirst? I have brains, balls and determination behind me, 
unfortunately the wimp Hurst had his badge (of dishonour) and the
mega corrupt cogs of GMP behind him.

On the eve of the second planned unlawful arrest I sent the same email to five officers involved in this tyranny. See The Crooked Crotch (Critchley) on my Blog page for that email.
I did not expect that it would make any difference, but it helped settle my own soul some that night.

At 9am the next morning, half an hour before my arrest by appointment, the corrupt cowards at GMP called my solicitor to inform her that the 'absolutely justified and necessary' reasons for arrest had been suddenly, and mysteriously removed.
Instead I had a voluntary interview under caution that morning, an interview conducted by PC Christopher Hurst and his sidekick PC Wicked Whalley..

This report has since been NFA'd by GMP. NFA'd with one simple communication with Dartford County Court.




     PC Christopher Hurst
Greater Manchester Police


    Bad Cop No Donut Track 4
         PC Christopher Hurst

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