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                                        PC Samantha Birkett
                                  Greater Manchester Police


MY NAME: Maxine Wood


Audio recordings of both visits to me by PC Birkett.
All email correspondence with her.
Everything in it's entirety available for scrutiny upon request,
until I find time to edit/upload the important damning portions.


In 2019, whilst the Maniac was under investigation for other crimes against me, he continued to commit more crimes. I reported these to the OIC at the Met. For one incident I reported, he asked if my neighbour was willing to give a statement, I told him that she would. I presumed all the new offences were being investigated - They weren't.

Eventually three years after the crimes were committed it was confirmed by the Met that certain crimes had NOT been investigated. One of these crimes was a 'physical' stalking with fear of violence. As this was on my street in Manchester, the crime belongs to GMP.

Superintendent Helen Critchley as part of her 'bargain' with me (see ICall.0024) promised this crime would be investigated positively.
The crime was allocated to PC Samantha Birkett.

The detail of this crime:

Between Feb 19 and April 19, Mr X made many threats (some clear, some veiled) of violence and harm to me. He also contacted a disgraced nephew of mine, asking for his assistance in recruiting someone to smash my windows at home.

Around this same time Mr X, contacted his ex girlfriend who he
had stalked and threatened on several occasions, telling her that
he had been on my street. He lives 200 miles away so this would
be strange. I believed he'd told her this just to worry me, and that
he hadn't actually been on my street. However, he then sent me an
email proving he had been on my street on the day in question .... 
He described my neighbour going to the shop in a yellow check
blouse - she confirmed this to be true.

This was clearly a physical stalking with fear of violence, the
'fear of violence' aspect coming from the threats in the same period.

PC Birkett took my statement, and she took my neighbour's statement. She took a copy of the email he sent me and was about to go on her merry way and deliver nothing but the two statements and the one email to the CPS.
The email only said "I have been on your street and if you don't believe me ask ...".      There are no threats in that email.

                                    I told PC Birkett that the evidence of the actual threats needed                                        to be included. She waffles several lame excuses not to include                                        the threats. I told her that the CPS would throw it out                                                        immediately if she didn't include anything else, as his email                                            only PROVED that he was indeed on my street, however                                                    contained no actual threats.

She decided that the best thing she could do was ignore me and hope I went away. When will these eejits learn? That ain't happening.
Maxine Wood is NOT going away.

After threatening to initiate yet another complaint, she eventually responded that she "needed to discuss with her supervision, advice that the CPS had given her".
I queried the CPS involvement - does this mean Mr X has been interviewed then?
Plop! There goes her head, buried in the sand yet again. So she went in the 20th May complaint pot, along with Taylor, Barker, and Critchley.

The next I heard about this serious, justified, evidenced crime was when an Inspector Christopher Kinson contacted me explaining that it had been NFA'd corruptly by GMP for the first time, see ICall.0006 (later corruptly NFA'd a second time by the horrible b**tards!).

             Bad Cop No Donut Track 5
                   PC Samantha Birkett



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