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                                                                       INSPECTOR ROBERT (BILLY) BUNTINE
                                                                          GREATER MANCHESTER POLICE


MY NAME: Maxine Wood


All email 'exchange' between myself and Buntine.
All email exchange between myself and the hapless 'radio ham' Brown.
Available upon request, but hopefully uploaded here very soon .... if only for the entertainment value!


Between March 22 and May 22, I had two seperate phone technicians work on a phone of mine that was badly damaged and the data presumed to have been lost forever. A lot of time and expense later, I managed to retrieve an entire WhatsApp conversation that I had presumed was lost forever.

The conversation in question was the same conversation that Mr X had cherry picked approx 40 one sided messages from, and reported me for malicious communications and stalking with fear of violence. These are the same allegations that are detailed in ICall.0003. I did not need this conversation for my defence as I had some of the conversation already available due to having logged some of it, with my civil solicitors. I also had a mountain of background evidence to support my defence of the maniac's ridiculous counter allegations.

However, what this conversation DID prove is that the Maniac had subjected me to hundreds upon hundreds of threats and malicious communications between March 5th 2020 and May 5th 2020. I lost count at 600 screenshots of filth and threats. These malicious communications, and this stalking with fear of violence, had been reported to GMP in May 2020, but had never investigated by police (see ICall.00..., Crotch)

On 26th May, I reported these crimes to GMP, describing the vast amount of evidence that I had. A David Brown contacted me that same evening and said he was triaging the report. He told me I couldn't report these crimes as Mr X had "got there first" - referring to the maniac's nonsense counter allegations being 'investigated' by GMP.

I took David Brown to task about this, to which he then mentioned the complaint I had made against several GMP officers on the 20th May. This had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the new criminal allegations that I had just made, and that he was apparently 'triaging'.
He mentioned 'the report' being sent to a Sergeant Ian Barker - Barker was one of the officers I had initiated a complaint against on the 20th May.
David Brown was getting himself in a right ol pickle, so he informed me that he would get the duty inspector to call me back ...

"Maybe not tonight as it's nearly 10 o clock, but he will call you tomorrow".
"If he doesn't call me tomorrow, what should I do?"
"He will call you tomorrow, but contact 101 if he doesn't".

                                          Of course at 10pm the next evening, I was chasing up the                                                  mysterious inspector who hadn't called me.                                           
                                          The very helpful 101 agent explained that she believed it was                                            an Inspector Buntine that should have called me. She                                                        emailed both David Brown and Inspector Buntine for me                                                asking for contact, she also gave me Buntine's email contact.

                                          Billy Buntine and Brown simply ignored me.
I chased up Buntine and Brown myself. Nothing.
These were serious crimes that I had reported, yet over a week later, and GMP had not even discussed them with me!

Under the threat of complaint, Brown broke his silence, I asked him to explain Buntine's role - was he investigating my crime report of 26th May, or was he investigating my 20th May complaint against officers?
Well, poor old Brown got himself in a right muddle, eventually declaring "I am just a radio control man (or words to that affect) I'm not an operational officer"!
A radio control guy who is not an operational officer, has so much influence on my crime report?

I gave up on Brown and couldn't even be bothered complaining about him, however strangely enough, as he was mentioned in my complaint against Buntine, 'The Force Control Centre' at GMP responded promptly, investigated, and upheld the side of my 'complaint' against Brown!

Thank you, N Hindley and Claire Rogan.
It's obvious that civilian management at GMP are prompt and effective, but more importantly ... decent and honest.

Prior to complaining about Inspector Buntine, I begged him to make contact, to at least explain his role in all of these shenanigans.

Bad Cop No Donut Track 9

     Inspector Robert (Billy Bob) Buntine


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