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                                           PC THEA TAYLOR
                          GREATER MANCHESTER POLICE


MY NAME: Maxine Wood


Snowball Playlist Track 3 - Taylor Tyranny, entire call.
Snowball Playlist Track 4 - Taylor Tyranny Call, shortened.
All email exchanges are available and will be uploaded at a later date, as further proof of lies and tyranny.


As part of a 'bargain' with Superintendent Helen Critchley (see ICall.0025) I agreed to attend a nonsense interview under caution (see ICall.0001).
At this point, it had already been confirmed that the allegations in question had no substance whatsoever and that "no crime had been committed" and that it was "a big waste of police time and a big waste of your (my) time". See PC Davies transcript on  Statement Of Truth ICall.0001.
                               PC Thea Taylor was 'OIC' of this absolute shambles of a 'crime                                         report'. The shambles that was then later to evolve into even more                                 serious corruption and tyranny from her supervision - corrupt                                       supervision that she was happy to be 'steered' by.

On 6th March 2022, I attended the interview under caution and
easily defended myself as the allegations were absolutely ridiculous.
Superintendent Critchley had already decided that, for her own
'comfort', this nonsense report was being sent to the CPS no matter                      what. A serious abuse of police process in itself.

I told PC Taylor that I had a mass of evidence that I wanted to be included in the file for the CPS. In a 'normal' case, defence evidence would not have been required following the interview, as the report would have been NFA'd by police. This wasn't a normal report.
                             Following the interview, and despite there being no need to defend                               myself further, I supplied a mass of clearly catalogued evidence and                               asked Taylor to acknowledge receipt and confirmation of CPS                                         inclusion (or not).
                             Nothing whatsoever from her for over two months.

On 20th May 2022, I initiated a complaint against her and three other disgraceful officers.

Then eleven days later, on 31st May, PC Taylor called me at 8am to inform me that I needed to attend Tyranny Park that same day for a SECOND interview, and that I needed to come through custody - as Mr X had made further allegations.
See Snowball Playlist Track 3. Track 4 is a shortened version of this call with the all important 'custody' references. She mentions me coming into custody at the beginning of the full call, then most of her proven disgusting lies come at about 16 minutes into that call.

Forty-five minutes after that call ended, four armed thugs                                              were hammering and shouting at my front door. She had                                                circulated me for arrest, and four of her own team just                                                    happened to be available immediately to pick up that                                                        'circulation'.
They failed in their attempted unlawful arrest as I outsmarted them. I started to describe here how I outsmarted them, but I decided to make an audio explanation instead. See Dirty Bastards on my Blog page for this.
They would have definitely seized my devices as they are aware that I have many covertly created, damning audio recordings of the unruly, disgraceful mob..

Following this failed attempted unlawful arrest, PC Taylor reverted back to her conceited ignorance again, until sending me an NFA email for this second nonsense report of the Maniac's.

She has been disgustingly corruptly involved in both nonsense 'crime reports'. Crime reports maliciously pursued by a relentless maniac.





Bad Cop No Donut Track 3
         PC Thea Taylor

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