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    GMP REF CO/02494/22

I have made many, many, many, many absolutely valid, and more importantly, EVIDENCED complaints against many, many, many GMP officers. None have been INVESTIGATED, therefore of course, none have been upheld.


However, at least with the first lot of complaints that I made last year, they were was at least subject to 'Standard GMP Pretend Investigations' - Complete and utter biased corrupt whitewashes, where massively conflicting accounts are not challenged and evidence not requested to support the massive discrepancies in accounts given by the complainant, compared to the accounts given by all the officers involved.


That was 2022, now in 2023, GMP have taken an even greater corrupt stance, by not only NOT investigating my latest (NEW) complaints, but by not even 'pretending' to investigate, by stating that these new complaints THAT CAME TO LIGHT FOLLOWING the 'conclusion' of the initial batch, were investigated in the first batch!

That Crooked Crotch, aka Superintendent Helen Critchley is amazing! She investigated complaints for me, even before I knew I had them!


Then to add further massive insult to the injury that these corrupt bastards have caused me, they went yet another corrupt step out of line, by not naming the bent bastard who 'concluded' these NEW complaints.

Simply signed 'The Complaint Handler'. Corruption and COWARDICE hand in hand.

And then this un-named coward had the audacity to state that I am "vexatious and inaccurate" with my facts, yet refusing to discuss or examine the mass of evidence I have available. 




The five complaints were made seperately by me, to ensure clarity for the eejits, however the d**ks lumped all of the complaints together, to ensure even more deliberate attempted confusion and relabelled them as CO/02494/22.


Inspector Robert Buntine was allocated complaints COM41480/22 and COM/40920/22. I was advised of the allocation by 101 staff, when I chased up these complaints.
Buntine, as complaint handler, had made no contact with me whatsoever, which was hardly surprising as I had complained against him earlier that same year, mostly due to his ignorance! (see ICall.0009).

So here he was, ignoring me yet again, when I contacted him for an update on my complaints, complaints that had been in his possession for months at that point.
See Individual Dossiers page, Buntine, for the shennanigans experienced with that!

I was left with no other option that to submit another complaint against Buntine, for refusing to discuss my complaint that he was 'handling'. 

                          'The Complaint Handler" conclusion of CO/02494/22, 1 of 5

They (the cowardly anonymous 'complaint handler') stated that the two complaints that I had been advised that Buntine was dealing with, had in fact already been 'dealt with' by the Crooked Crotch

                 The Crooked Crotch, Superintendent Helen Critchley, sent me her ...
                               * Complaint outcome letter on 14th July 2022 *
                                       * submitted 40920 on 26th July 2022 *
                                          * I submitted 41820 on 28th July 2022 *

Like I've already said, what a bloody genius that Crooked Crotch is! She dealt with these two complaints before I even made them! And even more bloody genius, in that the subject of one of the complaints apparently dealt with by the Crooked Crotch pre 14th July, was a corrupt email sent to me by The Comic Double Act that is Bob And Ian (Buntine And Barker).
An email that the crooked duo sent to me on the 22nd July?

So the date info above, coupled with the fact that I was told on 15th August 2022, that the two late July complaints were with Inspector Billy Bob Buntine at that time, wreaks of absolute corrupt whitewash.

When my own, and thousands of other legitimate GMP complaints are not upheld by the despicable corrupt f**kers, then we have to appeal to the ...

Whoops! I mean ...

The GMCA 'examines' the GMP complaint handling. Bollocks. The GMCA, and their chief Andy Burnham are as bent as nine bob notes. They don't give a hoot for innocent victims of police corruption and wrong doing - The first time around with these shallow f**kers, I anticipated, and got, nothing more than yet another corrupt whitewash, 
corrupt whitewash that the, not at all right, and completely dishonorable, BARONESS BEVERLY HUGHES endorsed (see ICall.ooo34).

So, GMCA, when you make your decision as to whether the anonymous complaint handler has made a reasonable and proportionate investigation, then perhaps ask them why they overlooked the above documented and extremely important facts, when making their decisions?        


40920 and 41820 have not even been given the usual nonsense 'courtesy' a pretend
And then on top of that, my later complaint regarding Buntine also not been given reasonable and proportionate attention/investigation. Nothing whatsoever.
If Buntine did not have 40920 and 412820 allocated to him in late July/early August, then why not simply state that to me, when advised of what I'd been told by 101?
                                                    Lying, corrupt tyrants, the lot of them.

Chief Superintendent
         Rob Cousen
So, this high ranking officer is shown by me/proven to be either completely and utterly thick, or an out and out liar.

Now I could have 'appealed' his complaint 'outcome' decision (regarding The Crooked Crotch) but that would only mean that the GMCA 'examine' whether his complaint handling was 'proportionate'. His own blatant lies (or apparent shocking incompetence) would not be 'examined' nor would he be asked to account for his own lies/discrepancies.

In his role as 'complaint handler' he earnt the right to have complaints logged against himself personally.

The only way we will end curruption is to ensure that no rock is left unturned, and ALL lies or major 'indiscrepancies' do not go unchallenged.
                                                                        THE FACTS

The Crooked Crotch (Superintendent Helen Critchley) was party to two attempted unlawful arrests of me (see Crooked Crotch page, and Snowball Playlist Tracks 4 and 5).
When these disgraceful and shocking arrest attempts failed, as the thugs got outsmarted by little old me (see Dirty B**tards page) The Crooked Crotch then denied the existence of the attempts!

However, she got caught with her pants well and truly down, as not only did I have absolutely undeniable evidence that the attempts did indeed take place, I also had undeniable evidence that the disgusting Crooked Crotch was indeed fully aware of the existence of the attempts.

By the time the bent Chief Superintendent Rob Cousen 'investigated' my complaint against Critchley, GMP were by then aware of my concrete proof of the existence of the unlawful attempts, and also the existence of my proof of the Crooked Crotch's involvement in the attempts.

So what did good ol' Rob The Knob do, so as not to implicate himself in the Critchley Arrest Denial Lies? He shirked away from adressing the actual facts and evidence and stated ...

"Superintendent Helen Critchley handled the arrests and the arrest attempts extremely well".

"The arrests" ???

here were NO arrests, therefore what 'arrests' was the chief referring to there?
Grossly incompetent or a despicable, lying corrupt coward?
I submitted a complaint against him, asking just that.

"The arrest attempts" ???

Two things here ...
Firstly, Critchley claimed that there had been no attempted arrests of me. 
Cousen, states that there WERE attempted arrests of me? 
Did he clarify this major discrepancy with the bent Superintendent Helen Critchley?
Chief Superintendent Rob Cousen - Grossly incompetent or a despicable, lying, corrupt coward?
Secondly, if good ol Ma Critchley "handled the arrests and arrest attempts extremely well" - how come I was never arrested, and the existence of the arrests attempted to then be hidden!

So, GMCA, I expected GMP to do the right thing and investigate the Chief Superintendent's irrational behaviour and conclusions. He shouldn't be in such a position of power, when he's clearly a useless moron, or otherwise ...
He's out and out, corrupt.

The anonymous complaint handler refused to investigate these serious claims/allegations that I can clearly evidence. 
That is simply not right.

As detailed in Complaint 2 of 5 above, the bent or incompetent Chief Superintendent Rob Cousen. did not uphold any of my many vast, serious and evidenced allegations against The Crooked Crotch, but at least those particular complaints were subject to the GMP SPI (Standard Pretend Investigation) unlike the new complaints I have made against her since other issues came to light.

The anonymous complaint handler decided that my new complaints are "substantially like" my original complaints against her.

There are two parts to this complaint:

A. Her proven lies regarding the arrests. This did not form part of my original complaint against her, as these lies happened and were proven later. This issue is not 'substantially like' any of the other many, many, many evidenced issues that I have not had upheld.
Mr or Mrs Anonymous REFUSED to investigate this issue.
That is so wrong.

See Crooked Crotch Part 2 on my BLOG page. This new complaint only came about in November 2022, once I found the time to analyse the audio recordings of my December 2021 phone calls with her. Even more disgusting lies were exposed then. These definitely did not form part of my original/initial complaints against her.
So, GMCA, I expect that you check exactly why complaint 3 of 5 was refused investigation so flippantly by an anonymous tyrant.
I have also logged yet anther complaint recently - A complaint against this nameless person who has treated me so disgracefully, has the audacity to call ME vixatious and inaccurate whilst refusing to discuss the matters with me, and examine my evidence.

Yes I know, that will be yet another pointless exercise, resulting in another corrupt whitewash, but hopefully the next corrupt complaint handler, will have the courage of their convictions, and actually put a NAME to the next bout of brutal nonsense and lies that they will no doubt stir and deliver to me in the big old GMP corrupt couldron. Delivered to me with lashings of ill feeling, corruption and ruthless dishonesty.
A note for you GMCA ...

The deadline for my appeal is 28 days from receiving the GMP disgraceful 'outcome' to my new and serious complaints against high ranking officers, therefore 1st Feb 2023 deadline.. Considering recognised crimes that I reported almost FOUR YEARS AGO, have still not been investigated by police, GMP/GMCA 'deadlines' are a wee bit cheeky.
But, hey ho ... Allegations/Complaints 4 and 5 will be completed no later than 12 midnight on 31st Jan - I am a lone woman with a lovely life to attend to, but I can still be prompt, accurate, effective, and meet deadlines given.
Want me to give you some training in prompt, accurate and effective public service GMCA?
30th Jan 2023, I sent my appeal review form recorded delivery to the GMCA. 
As there is limited space on the form (I wonder why) and also in an exercise to have everything logged openly and publicly (I have nothing to hide) I directed the GMCA (Greater Manchester CORRUPT Authority) to this page of my website, where my appeal/complaint re complaints is laid clear.
They sent a remarkably prompt response, as below ...
Basically, what the GMCA are saying here, is that they refuse to view my website for information. Very interesting ...
I'm certain they've viewed it to decide not to view it! Hilarious!
Ok, so be it, GMCA I'll start again/continue via email, emails that will all be logged here anyhow, so still up for public scrutiny.

Watch this space folks ...
Just waiting on a reply now from Andy Burnham at the GMCA.
Whilst awaiting this reply, I received an interesting letter by post from PSB @ GMP.

See Below - Andy and and GMCA, do you know what this is?
It is yet another unlawful attack on me by GMP.

Cease and Desist Notices 
are not used in this way.
See new BLOG page T KELLY. 
T Kelly (full name and rank not yet known) is the subject of yet another complaint by me. A complaint that I will be hand delivering to Openshaw Campus as instructed by T Kelly. Unfortunately, I do not have access to any envelopes, hence the hand delivery and the open documents.

A copy of the documents will be uploaded to my T Kelly page once delivered.
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