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Many Evil Tyrants             (MET Police)

As explained in the email attached, this page is under construction as of 18.02.23, hopefully it will be completed by 25.02.23.
Even though my plight/fight against the Many Evil Tyrants (MET) and the Ghastly Mean Predators (GMP) is now a full time job for me - There are so many lies, and other branches/avenues to investigate and challenge due to those extra lies and other nonsense both forces throw at me, it's bloody hard work keeping on top of everything!

However, trust me - I WILL eventually get on top of everything, no stone will be left unturned.
Once this page is updated next week, a clearer understanding of my abrupt manner in this email will be formed.
For now, please read this email, and ask yourselves - Why on earth has this victim had to resort to these measures?
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UPDATE 23/02/23

So I am rewinding now ...
I managed to gain a two force meeting in March 2022 (see BLOG page TWO FORCE MEETING). Quite an achievement for little ol' Maxine Wood!

As detailed on my TWO FORCE MEETING page it was established and confirmed (I was like a dog with a bone that day!) that many crimes that I had reported in the past had NOT been investigated by either force (MET or GMP).

GMP agreed to 'investigate' the 2019 physical stalking with fear of violence, however as shown on my many GMP ICALLS ...
The Super Crotch aka Superintendent Helen Critchley was simply disgustingly playing lip service to the relentlessly persued victim, and the obnoxious GMP f**kers well and truly had me over with that one.
The MET officers in attendance at the meeting, DC Derren Barton Lee and DS Richard Petheridge, were extremely professional and understanding (inparticular DC Barton Lee) and they agreed that there were many crimes that indeed may NOT have been investigated by the MET, despite me reporting them to police as soon as they occurred.

Unfortunately, the crimes then had to be directed elsewhere in the MET for 'investigation'.
I had to complain YET AGAIN, as nobody would take ownership of this investigation!
It had been established at the meeting that I was a genuine victim who had been let down MASSIVELY by both forces, now here I was, having to fight for impartial and fair justice YET AGAIN!
But true to form - I battled again!
That particular battle is worthy of it's own page on my website, but I simply don't have the time to document all of the battles I have! One day, I may drop back on exposing that battle too.
Anyhow, that battle lead me to DS Ian Barnard, DC Elizabeth Bobb, and a Superintendent McDonagh.
The following email exchange shows my next battle.

Please remember ...

I battled in late 2019 and early 2020 to have my crimes investigated properly, and have been proven since as absolutely correct in my assertions and concerns back then.

Then, due to the Maniac's relentless dishonest continual, indirect assaults on me, I battled again in late 2021 and early 2022.

I then 'battled' at the two force meeting in March 2022, and gained the recognition that I deserved.

I then had to battle from April 2022 to August 2022 for that 'recognition' to be investigated as promised.


(Audio recording of phone call with DS Ian Barnard to be uploaded shortly).


(Poss links to memory stick here?) 
The work I put in was MAMMOTH!)


Another 2 weeks plus pass by ...

Drum roll please as the next Corrupt Clown enters the MET Circus Ring ...
Betty The Bobby aka DC Elizabeth Bobb ...


Just before the Clown face was revealed ...

For the continued email charade of Betty The Bobby's input into the 'investigation' please see ICALL.0035 (HOME page/ICALLS).

Basically DC Elizabeth Bobb had no interest in the 'investigation' and had simply gone through the motions wasting even more time, in the hope that I would give up and go away. Obviously being a mere PC PLOD she will have been 'steered' in that disinterest. However, that makes her no less disgraceful and corrupt ...

Filthy low rank coward, and an utter disgrace. 
On 30.11.22 I initiated yet another Many Evil Tyrant complaint. I didn't bother with Betty The Bobby as her instruction to dump this victim that had, at that time, been waiting nearly four years for justice, came from her new 'line manager' Superintendent Richard (Dick) McDonagh.
Therefore I initiated a complaint against the bent Superintendent instead.

At the time of writing this (23/02/23) I have had zero recognition or acknowledgement of that complaint. I will be chasing that up later today.

I will also be chasing up yet another complaint that I was then forced to make in December 2022 against DS Ian Barnard.
On 29.11.22 Betty The Bobby told me that, since Super Dick's (Super Richard McDonagh) intervention, my crime report was now back on the Barnyard's desk (DS Ian Barnard).
Below are the emails that I sent to the Barnyard prior to making yet another complaint ...

No response whatsoever regarding my legitamate concerns and expression of feeling above. Concerns  regarding the investigation of multiple serious 'domestic' crimes, of which several were reported to the Many Evil Tyrants (MET) nearly 4 years ago.

The email that I sent post complaint (at top of this page) I refer to 'them' as ... "a bunch of vile, corrupt, disgusting animals."
I didn't begin this epic and harrowing journey of mine with that opinion, that opinion has been EARNT by the horrible corrupt b**tards.

Well and truly earnt whilst protecting 'one of their own'. 

Another email that I sent post complaint is below.
I sent this when learning of the David Carrick 'cover ups' by the Mean Evil Tyrants ...

Update 24.02.23

Today I chased up the two complaints mentioned above.

Complaint made in November 2022 against Super Dick (Superintendent Richard McDonagh)
Complaint made in Decmber 2022 against The Barnyard (DS Ian Barnard)

101 call handler said that as I made the complaints online, she could not access the details, and that I needed to request the update via the Many Evil Tyrants website 'chat' feature ...


YOU COULDN'T       CHUFFIN              WRITE IT!

Obviously, I'll keep trying and hopefully get an 'agent available' and if not, then I'll do the 101 Call Centre again with ...
"Pray tell, what is a girl to do when there are no agents available on the chat feature?"
And I will ensure that I record that interaction and post on here, purely for entertainment value.
Whilst I was on the Many Evil Tyrants website, I was reminded of Commissioner Mark Rowley's pledge regarding rooting out corruption, and the Anti Corruption Hotline he so proudly set up and promotes ...
So, I gave them a call too!

I recorded this call, however I am not going to upload it here just yet, I'll give this office the benefit of the doubt - In other words, I'll wait until I have it proven and confirmed that this is just another corrupt avenue, before naming and shaming them too!

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