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Do the Greater Manchester Police Federation
support tyrants and liars ... We shall see ...

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Whilst awaiting comment from Greater Manchester Police Federation, I thought I would share this ...
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Mr Mike Peake, Chair of GMPF, what exactly is your problem with the following proposals? ...


Automatically dismiss a serving officer who is CONVICTED of a SERIOUS criminal offence. 


Automatically suspend an officer CHARGED with a SERIOUS criminal offence.

You believe that CRIMINALS convicted of SERIOUS offences should be allowed to enforce law and order in the UK? Have you taken leave of your senses Mr Chair?

You believe that DEFENDANTS charged with a SERIOUS offence should just be allowed to go about their job, enforcing law and order? Already investigated and charged by the very same establishment, that they expect should investigate AGAIN, prior to suspension?

To be suspended on FULL PAY is a rare bonus almost exclusively handed to police officers. Unlike regular working defendants, they have plenty of free time to work on their defence!  

Give Chief Constables the power to reopen misconduct investigations.

Doesn't this work both ways? If a police officer could prove reasonable grounds for a Chief Constable to reopen a misconduct investigation that went against them - isn't it right that the investigation should be reopened? 

Reduce the performance process to two stages, from the current three (plus appeals). 

So why on earth do you have a problem with two stages? Two stages PLUS appeals!

Mr Peake, you and yours will no doubt bleat on about shortage of resources, and how 'poor performance' is simply as a result of that.

I am absolutely NOT a fan of Sadiq Khan, however the proposals that he has made are a really sensible and fair way of managing police resources. Far too much time and energy is wasted on misconduct investigations, hearings, appeals etc, particularly when the outcome in some instances is a foregone conclusion. 



Misconduct hearings when an officer has already been convicted of a serious offence in a COURT OF LAW?


And a massive waste of police resources.


I had been working on this article to add onto here, but published by mistake unfinished! Sorry, but until I find the time to drop back on it, it will have to remain a jumble! 
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