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I started following Zayna (on Twitter) after seeing a Channel 4 documentary. I don't watch mainstream TV as a rule, so why did I see this?

I had/still have my own GMP battles, and also a lovely life balance to attend to, so although Zayna came out of nowhere and tweaked my interest, I am ashamed to admit, I did not pursue her, or her story.

Fast forward a little ... my son (who wasn't aware that I was already aware of Zayna) called me ... "Sky News now, GMP!"

I watched it.
I cried.

I Tweeted support for Zayna.
She replied with the most thoughtful, kind, selfless messages.
I cried.

I met Zayna at a 'protest' in St Peter's Square. Her extremely brave yet humble presence had me in absolute awe ...
Guess what? I cried again!  

I desperately wanted to help Zayna ... I protested alone and peacefully outside Pendleton Police Station. My plan was to do this between 4pm and 7pm (to catch the rush hour traffic) but due to Zayna's and other's kind concern for me, I agreed to just set up and stay long enough to have my presence noticed by the filth inside, and to get some photos to aid Zayna's campaign ....

There were so many CRIMES committed by police officers against Zayna on the 5.2.21 and 6.2.21 - Some blatantly obvious and easy to PROVE, some glaringly SUSPECT and crying out for CRIMINAL investigation.
I submitted two CRIME reports as a 'witness' to these alleged/suspected CRIMES .... 

Please note that, due to the vast number of suspected CRIMES that I reported, I actually neglected to include one of the most important suspected CRIMES.


Malfeasance In Public Office is an extremely serious CRIME.

As Zayna's story/nightmare unfolds, there are many instances of the CRIME of Malfeasance, however at the earlier stages of her torture/witch hunt, I only recognise the one instance of this CRIME ...

Falsifying and/or tampering with custody records, is MOST DEFINITELY the CRIME of Malfeasance In Public Office.

Please note, the custody records have been PROVEN to have been falsified in order for it to appear that Zayna attacked a custody/police officer ...

Absolute, disgusting, diabolical LIES. 


Anyhow, following no contact regarding the valid CRIME reports that I dd in fact submit to GMP, I called 101 for an update ... as any dutiful, decent citizen would do ...

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