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      PC 19386



I have already Called Out this despicable lying coward and pathetic slimy creep.
See ICALL.0004 and SNOWBALL EVIDENCE playlist TRACK 5.
This particular corrupt tyrant also gets a mention on my TYRANNY PARK DONUTS page.
I have dedicated another/this page to this slimeball, as I suspect he could be a S.L.A.G (Serial Liberty Abuse Gangster).
Please note, I am merely stating that I suspect him of this, and I am not stating actual fact here. However my suspicions come from evidence that I have gained to support those suspicions.
Evidence and facts that are much, much more valid and concrete than the nonsense this despicable lying toerag tried to use, in his malicious attempt to arrest me.
A little background information to my suspicions ...

The problems that I have had, and continue to have with both corrupt obnoxious toxic forces ...

Ghastly Mean Predators (GMP)
Many Evil Tyrants (MET)

These problems all stem from the crimes committed against me by a retired ex MET bully and relentless despicable, dishonest, evil and cunning thug. 

The equally despicable and dishonest tyrant PC Christopher Hurst corruptly assisted the ex MET brute, in his malicious victim mode. That pair must have got along famously!

And here I get back to the S.L.A.G. suspicions. An extremely reliable source with close connections to the MET brute, told me that ...

Whilst he was a serving officer, he absolutely relished arresting people. So much so, that he would volunteer his services for that purpose. Knowing what I now know of this disgusting and deranged evil thug, I can absolutely see that as being the truth.
To have that power over people, to use force, to handcuff and detain, and to have that control, would have given the evil thug immense sadistic pleasure.
So, I have it on very good authority, coupled with my own experience and understanding, that S.L.A.G.s do actually exist.
Why I suspect the sniveling pathetic moron PC Hurst of being a S.L.A.G?

His eagerness to arrest me, despite him KNOWING for 100% certain that there was absolutely no necessity whatsoever for my arrest.

2. The second time that I had the misfortune of setting eyes on this worthless creep, he slithered out of the Tyranny Park custody suite to collect someone to be arrested. Then he slithered back in with his prey (see TYRANNY PARK DONUTS page). Of the hundreds of officers at Tyranny Park (Central park, GMP headquarters) the one time that I happen to be there and witness someone slithering out of the custody suite, it just happens to be the obnoxious f**ker that is 19386 PC Christopher Hurst.

Whilst innocently viewing a Charlie Veitch YouTube video, I spot this slimy cretin yet again ... Arresting someone!

Another GMP Tyrant indicated that the weasel Hurst has an arrest fetish. However, that was verbally indicated and unfortunately not recorded by me, hence why it is at the bottom of my reasoning. Plus ALL of the GMP Tyrants that I have had dealings with are out and out liars, therefore I don't apply too much importance to this particular reasoning.

If anyone out there recognises this slimy tyrant by face, name, or number, please contact me and share your experience!

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